Shikoku pilgrimage where to sleep?

Les 88 temples, henro michi : où dormir pendant le pèlerinage de Shikoku

Where to sleep during the Shikoku pilgrimage might be a problem : how to book ? how much it will cost ? What is possible or not ? We will try to give you some solutions.

Shikoku pilgrimage temples maps

Interactive map of the Shikoku pilgrimage (Henro Michi) presenting the 88 main temples of the pilgrimage. This map provides an overview of the provinces of Shikoku traveled during the pilgrimage (henro michi).

Hachiju hachi kasho what’s that?

It is the short name that the Japanese give to the Shikoku pilgrimage (the great island in front of Hiroshima). The main route is composed of 88 temples. Hachiju hachi kasho (八八ヶ所) in Japanese means 88 places. Indeed it is a spiritual (and for Buddhists) trip, linking 88 main temples of Shikoku Island to the …

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Henro House

Henro House hébergement pas cher shikoku hebro trail

Presentation of the henro house, simple and practical dormitories. It is a very recent accommodation option and designed to be used by foreign pilgrims through an English reservation center

Shikoku introduction

Paysages ruraux de shikou

Japan is made up of 4 Big Islands: Hokkaido in the north (Sapporo) Honshu, the main island where is located Tokyo, Kyoto, Osaka or Hiroshima Shikoku, the smallest of the 4 main islands of Japan. Located in west of the main island, It is a place still very rural, separated from Honsu by the Inland …

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Photo entrée ryokan

Ryokan, the traditional Japanese inn. Sleeping in a ryokan is an unforgettable experience , encounter with aesthetics and Japanese luxury. The japanese spirit.

Henro Goya

Les henro goya sont des huttes pour le repos des pèlerins de Shikoku

Henro Goya huts available for Henro ( pilgrims ) all arround the Shikoku pilgrimage. It’s very simple hut, built for rest not to sleep.


Zenkonyado, hébergement gratuit pour les pèlerins

Zenkonyado (善根宿) is a place to sleep put at disposal of shikoku pilgrims by individuals free of charge or a very slight financial participation.


Nojuku Dormir dehors pèlerinage de Shikoku

Nojuku ( 野宿), sleeping outdoors is an unforgetable and spiritual experience for walking pilgrims (aruki henro) and so usefull for the real budget traveller.