Benzaiten or Benten (弁 財 天) is a Japanese Buddhist deity who originated from the Hindu deity Sarasvati (サ ラ ス ヴ ァ テ ィ ー).
Every major city in Japan has a shrine or temple dedicated to Benzaiten. Her places of worship number in the thousands and are often located near water, the sea, a lake, a pond, or a river. She is one of the nation’s most widely venerated deities. Of course, Benzaiten is very present in the temples of the Henro Michi trail (Shikoku 88 temples pilgrimage)
Name |
Kanji |
Français |
English |
Benzaiten |
弁才天 |
Au japon, l'une des 7 divinités du bonheur |
In Japan, one of the 7 deities of happiness |
Name |
Kanji |
Français |
English |
Bekkaku | 別格 | Temples spéciaux hors des 88 temples | Special temples out of 88 temples |
Benzaiten | 弁才天 | Au japon, l'une des 7 divinités du bonheur | In Japan, one of the 7 deities of happiness |
Bonnō | 煩悩 | Mauvaises passions | Evil passions. |
Bosatsu | 菩薩 | Personne proche de l'éveil | Person close to awakening. |
Bussokuseki | 仏足石 | Empreinte de pieds de Bouddha gravée dans la pierre | Footprint of Buddha engraved in stone |
Daishi | 大師 | Grand maitre | Great Master |
Dōjō | 道場 | Lieu où l'on étudie la voie | Place to study the way |
Goeika | 御詠歌 | Poème bouddhiste | Buddhist poem |
Gohōgō | 御宝号 | Mantra en hommage à Kobo-Daishi | Mantra in tribute to Kobo-Daishi |
honzon | 本尊 | Sujet principal de culte dans un temple | The main object of worship in a temple. |
Junrei | 巡礼 | Pèlerinage bouddhiste ou shintoïste | Buddhist or Shinto pilgrimage |
Miroku Bosatsu | 弥勒仏 | Maitreya, le bouddha du futur | Maitreyan Buddha of future |
Naiten | 内典 | Transcription des paroles de Bouddha | Transcription of the words of Buddha |
Niōmon | 仁王門 | Porte du temple gardé par 2 guerriers Niô | Niō gate |
Nyorai | 如来 | Tathagata, qui a atteind l'eveil. | Tathagata, who have achieved enlightenment |
obon | お盆 | Fête des morts du 13 au 15 août | Day of the Dead from 13 to 15 August |
Rinzai | 臨済 | L'une des principale école bouddhiste Zen fondée par Myoan Eisai | One of the main Zen Buddhist school founded by Myoan Eisai |
Shingon | 真言 | Courant majeur du boudhisme japonais fondé par Kōbō-daishi | Major sect of Japanese Buddhism founded by Kōbō-daishi |
Sutra | 内典 | Transcription des paroles de Bouddha | Transcription of the words of Buddha |