Bekkaku [ buddhism, pilgrimage, temples ]
A Bekkaku (別格) temple is a temple that is not part of the principal road of the 88 shikoku pilgrimage temples but has a relative importance with the monk Kukai, the founder of the pilgrimage. (more…) -
Benzaiten [ buddhism ]
Benzaiten or Benten (弁 財 天) is a Japanese Buddhist deity who originated from the Hindu deity Sarasvati (サ ラ ス ヴ ァ テ ィ ー). (more…) -
Bonnō [ buddhism ]
Bonnō (煩悩) the 108 bonnō are the 108 desires that bind man to this world and prevent him from being happy. The misfortune comes from the attachment to the material things of this world as well as our bad thoughts. Whoever manages to free himself from these 108 bonnō will become free and enlightened -
Bosatsu [ buddhism ]
Bosatsu (菩薩) or bodhisattva in Sanskrit is one who is close to the awakening, the state of Buddha. The bosatsu instead of becoming Buddha helps those who suffer in this world. (more…) -
Bussokuseki [ buddhism ]
Bussokuseki (仏 足 石) are Footprints of Buddhas carved in stone. They are used during rituals. (more…) -
Daishi [ buddhism ]
Daishi (大師) was originally a term for Buddha only. In China, it became an honorary title, awarded by the emperor. In Japan, this title is given posthumously only, as for Kūkai who became Kōbō-Daishi after his death. -
Dōjō [ buddhism, martial-art ]
In Buddhism, the dojo is a place of spiritual and physical asceticism. In Budo,it’s the place where you practice your discipline. The pilgrimage of Shikoku is divided into 4 virtual dojo, corresponding to the 4 prefectures crossed. -
Goeika [ buddhism ]
Goeika (御 詠 歌) is a poem or song recited at the end of Buddhist ceremony. The Goeika were written by Emperor Kazan after he abdicated and became a Buddhist monk a little over a thousand years ago (reign 984-986). -
Gohōgō [ buddhism, pilgrimage ]
Gohōgō (御宝号) is a mantra in tribute to Kobo-Daishi. This is the Mantra that you repeat three times in front of the Daishi Hall at every temple. (more…) -
honzon [ buddhism, temples ]
Honzon (本尊) is the image of the revered Buddha or Bodhisattva (bosatsu) in the main temple (Hondō) .This image takes the form of a sculpture. There is usually only one honzon per temple except at Temple 37, Iwamoto-ji. -
Junrei [ buddhism, pilgrimage ]
Junrei (巡礼) is a Japanese word for a Buddhist or Shinto pilgrimage. The pilgrimage of Shikoku (Shikoku junrei) is commonly called Shikoku Henro. -
Miroku Bosatsu [ buddhism ]
Miroku Bosatsu (弥勒 仏) or Shōraibutsu 将来仏 (lit. Future Buddha), Maitreya in Sanskrit is a Buddha who would appear in the future, when the teaching of the former Buddha would be lost. (more…) -
Naiten [ buddhism ]
Raiten (内 典) is the Japanese word for sutra. See also sutra -
Niōmon [ buddhism, temples ]
Niōmon (仁王 門) literally the door (門) of Niō warriors (仁王) is the gateway to the temple guarded by 2 wooden statues depicting fierce warriors. -
Nyorai [ buddhism ]
Nyorai (如 来) refers to the Buddhas, ie those who have attained enlightenment. The word Nyorai comes from the Sanskrit Tathagata, which Buddha used to designate himself. (more…) -
obon [ buddhism ]
O-Bon (お 盆) is a Buddhist (Matsuri) festival dedicated to the dead (ancestors) that usually runs from August 13th to 15th. This is an opportunity for the Japanese who live far from their family to return to their hometown. -
Rinzai [ buddhism ]
The Rinzai Buddhist School ( 臨済宗, Rinzai-shū) is one of the major currents with the Soto School of Zen Buddhism in Japan. She is a branch of Linji Chinese School (more…) -
Shingon [ buddhism, pilgrimage ]
The Shingon Buddhist School (真言 宗, Shingon-shū) is one of the major currents of Buddhism in Japan. Shingon is the Japanese reading of the Chinese word 真言, translation of the Sanskrit word mantra (incantations). 真 means truth and 言 word. (more…) -
Sutra [ buddhism ]
A sutra, raiten (内 典) in Japanese is the transcript of the words of the original Buddha. By extension, great masters of Buddhism have also created their own sutra. One of the best-known sutras, also on the Shikoku pilgrimage, is the sutra of the heart: Hannya Shingyo