Aizendō [ temples ]
Aizendō (愛 染 堂) is a temple inside which is carved a statue of the deity Aizen Myōō (or Rāgarāja), king of the passions. -
Bangai [ pilgrimage, temples ]
Bangai (番外) temples are sacred places but not among the 88 temples of the Shikoku pilgrimage. In Japanese, Bangai literally means "out of numbering" . (more…) -
Bekkaku [ buddhism, pilgrimage, temples ]
A Bekkaku (別格) temple is a temple that is not part of the principal road of the 88 shikoku pilgrimage temples but has a relative importance with the monk Kukai, the founder of the pilgrimage. (more…) -
Chōzuya [ temples ]
Chōzuya (手 水 舎) or Temizuya is a basin located at the entrance of Buddhist or Shinto temples, used for purification. (more…) -
Daishidō [ pilgrimage, temples ]
Daishido (大師堂) is small building reserved for Kobo Daishi. There is Daishido in all 88 temples of Shikoku pilgrimage but on the trail there is Daishido appart of a temple. Sometimes, the pilgrim can use it to sleep. -
Honbō [ temples ]
Honbō (本坊) is the main building where the monks sleep in a Buddhist temple. On the henro trail, this term also describes the building which is used as hotel( shukubō ) -
Hondō [ temples ]
The term hondō (本堂), literally means “main hall”. It enshrines the most important objects of veneration. This word became commun durind the Heian period and the developpement of Bhuddhism Shingon and Tendai. -
honzon [ buddhism, temples ]
Honzon (本尊) is the image of the revered Buddha or Bodhisattva (bosatsu) in the main temple (Hondō) .This image takes the form of a sculpture. There is usually only one honzon per temple except at Temple 37, Iwamoto-ji. -
Niōmon [ buddhism, temples ]
Niōmon (仁王 門) literally the door (門) of Niō warriors (仁王) is the gateway to the temple guarded by 2 wooden statues depicting fierce warriors. -
Saiin [ temples ]
http://henro.fr/?post_type=my_keywords&p=1765 -
Shishido garan [ temples ]
shishidō garan ( 七堂伽藍) is a Japanese Buddhist term that designates the ideal structure of a temple with seven buildings (sichidō). Garan is a Sanskrit term that originally meant a park where Buddhist monks gathered. -
Shōrō-dō [ temples ]
Shōrōdō (鐘楼堂) Belfry of the temple or often only the small wooden building which contains the bell of the temple. dō (堂) means building, but the Shorodo in general consists only of a simple roof supported by 4 wooden pillar with the bell in the middle. (more…) -
Shukubō [ accomodation, pilgrimage, temples ]
Shukubō (宿坊) are ryokan-style pay rooms made available by a temple. This style of accommodation is developed under the Heian era. It is the ancestor of the ryokan. (more…) -
Tahōtō [ temples ]
http://henro.fr/?post_type=my_keywords&p=1873 -
Tōin [ temples ]
Tō-in (東 院) means the party east (precint) is (東) of a Buddhist temple. Tō is one possible readings of the kanji east, as in Tokyo. In (院) is a set of well-organized building. -
Tsūyadō [ accomodation, pilgrimage, temples ]
Tsūyadō (通夜 堂);, it is a free shelter offered by a temple for aruki henro (walkiing pilgrims) during Shikoku pilgrimage. as for henro goya, the comfort is very basic . Some are tiny (2 or 3 beds), others huge as in the temple 51 ishite-ji.