
  • Saiin [ temples ]
  • Settai [ pilgrimage ]

    Settai (接待) or more exactly O-settai  means "reception, welcome". During Shikoku pilgrimage, O-settaie are the gifts, or sometimes money, that pilgrims receive on their way to 88 temples. (more…)
  • Shikoku [ japanese ]

    Shikoku (四 国) is the smallest of the 4 main islands of Japan. Located west of the main island, it is a place that has remained very rural. With an area of 19000 km² for a population of approximately 4 million. To know more : Shikoku introduction
  • Shingon [ buddhism, pilgrimage ]

    The Shingon Buddhist School (真言 宗, Shingon-shū) is one of the major currents of Buddhism in Japan. Shingon is the Japanese reading of the Chinese word 真言, translation of the Sanskrit word mantra (incantations). 真 means truth and 言 word. (more…)
  • Shishido garan [ temples ]

    shishidō garan ( 七堂伽藍) is a Japanese Buddhist term that designates the ideal structure of a temple with seven buildings (sichidō). Garan is a Sanskrit term that originally meant a park where Buddhist monks gathered.
  • Shōrō-dō [ temples ]

    Shōrōdō (鐘楼堂) Belfry of the temple or often only the small wooden building which contains the bell of the temple. dō (堂) means building, but the Shorodo in general consists only of a simple roof supported by 4 wooden pillar with the bell in the middle. (more…)
  • Shukubō [ accomodation, pilgrimage, temples ]

    Shukubō (宿坊) are ryokan-style pay rooms made available by a temple. This style of accommodation is developed under the Heian era. It is the ancestor of the ryokan. (more…)
  • Sutra [ buddhism ]

    A sutra, raiten (内 典) in Japanese is the transcript of the words of the original Buddha. By extension, great masters of Buddhism have also created their own sutra. One of the best-known sutras, also on the Shikoku pilgrimage, is the sutra of the heart: Hannya Shingyo